help me find film From: Manzanar To the Divided States of America








; 18 minute; USA; From: Manzanar To the Divided States of America is a short starring Chris M. Allport, John Cho, and Gerald Ford. Wrongs to be set right, World War II Japanese internment camps predict the dark future of our current path; Genre: Documentary, Short.

It was not easy to hit the balance in this constant effort of packaging and manipulating the image of the West. The West had to be cast as tame and safe, with no features that would seriously scare tourists. At the same time, it could not be so tame and safe that it went over the edge and became dull and familiar. As a result of America's middle-class mentality, socialism never gained a foothold in the United States. However, a movement with similar goals was born in the years immediately following the Civil War during the infancy of the great industrialization of America. This cousin of socialism became known as Progressivism. I love every book written by Chinua Achebe, the most famous.

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